06 April, 2007

Metamorphosis concert

Hello, everyone here:
To all MMU students, (erm…not only MMU students ya…)
Our MMU's one of the society which is Chinese Orchestra Society (COS) is proud to present their first concert as following details:
Title: Metamorphosis
Date: 21 April 2007(Saturday)
Venue: MMU main hall
Time: 7.30 p.m.
Ticket price:
RM 8 for COS member,
RM10 for student,
RM20 for normal ticket

Attention: *Those who are interested,
Please kindly contact:
Janet 012-9204356 or mandy 016-9148420
My opinion:
Actually I see this promotion done so in one of my friend’s blogspot, so I also follow it (is not copy cat ok? This is a good/right thing, so we all should follow it. Remember: anything that is good and right, we MUST FOLLOW).

As one of a committee members of the COS,
this is very common that persuade people
to buy our's concert tickets. Haha…

The agenda and time flow are already confirm.
I can swear that who are coming for the concert night
will never regret for their rest of life.
Because the concert have a lot of programs, for example?

This is an orchestra’s concert, it is sure got things that related with orchestra like music instrument and the most important the choir performance!

Some more, the concert also got provide wu shu performance, it is very valuable and interesting right?

Do come and support us ya…Thank you very much ^____________^