04 January, 2007

sAVe me

Oh my god!!! 神啊!! Tuhanku!!!

Gosh!!! 惨啊!! Aduhai!!!

The PCA paper very difficult leh~~~ I can’t do at all…


Memang sangat susah. Peperiksaan ini, aku tidak boleh buat langsung.

Now, I feel like dying, so sad man…


Aku sudah nak mati, sekarang aku sangat sedih

Anybody who is willing to help me?


Siapa boleh bantu aku?

Now, the only suggestion is I only can survive by myself
I really scare that my PCA will fail…

Who can help me???
Save me please???

My Best Wishes: hope that I can pass my PEN, PCA, and PPE paper.


Anonymous said...

haiyo.... dun think 2 much .. already pass liao... juz let it pass... dun make it affect ur next paper >>> PPE
hehe :P

k ? ...haha... ^_^

T_T actually me also dunnoe do T_T

- said...

u sure no problem de la...
dun worry so much...
yes, u r rite also...
d thing ad pass liao means pass liao...
so good luck 4 ur PPE paper loh...

gambate *O*

Anonymous said...

thanks... good luck 2 u too...